Tids and bits


Olá, queridos!

*Quero começar as recomendações de hoje com um vídeo lindo, lindo, lindo de pessoas reagindo ao verem a lua em um telescópio. Quem me indicou foi o meu pai, e o vídeo é a coisa mais sweet (e a música!). Assistam aqui!

It makes you realize that we are all in a small little planet and we all have the same reaction to the universe we live in.

*E sobre isso, esta imagem que eu tirei da página High on Films é ótima.

*Shakespeare’s Twitter Account é um texto da Paris Review of Books que fala sobre contas no Twitter que publicam trechos escritos por escritores (alguns ainda vivos!) ou escritos por bots programados para escrever como alguns escritores.

These quotes “allow the follower to take what they want or need from it regardless of what Kerouac intended,” Micha Ward, the moderator of Daily Kerouac, told me. “And for me personally, sometimes the quotes reflect how I feel on any given day.” (…) In essence, people treat these tweets like literary horoscopes.

*Finalmente, a escritora Mary Morris conta como a primeira frase de Cem anos de solidão mudou a vida e a carreira dela. Eu achei esse texto particularmente lindo porque amo de paixão a obra do Gabriel García Márquez.

It started with this incredible first sentence: “Many years later, as he faced the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendía was to remember that distant afternoon when his father took him to discover ice.”


Then there’s the surprising fact that, at this very difficult moment in his life, this mature character is remembering what it was like to be with his father, and how one “distant afternoon” transformed his life. I found it magnificent, Márquez’s sense that the past remains intimately available to us, just beyond the border of the present.


He told me that he’d had a dream the night before about something that had happened when he was 4 years old, something he hadn’t remembered until he’d dreamt it last night. He was stunned by the way he could recover a memory that had long been lost, and do it so completely. “My whole life lives inside of me,” he said. Reading the opening of One Hundred Years of Solitudereminds me to believe in that feeling, that your whole life remains inside of you always, waiting for you to find a way to tap into it.

Um fim de semana mágico para vocês. ♥

A ilustração de cima é do Cristoph Niemann. As últimas fotos, do Gabo, não sei de quem são. Se alguém souber, dá um alô!

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